Mr. Tomato Full Game

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3.9 stars (16votes)


Imagine that you walk into the kitchen and see a tomato. Sounds like a daily situation, doesn’t it? And now imagine that this tomato starts talking to you and asks you to feed him. Now it’s something totally out of ordinary! Especially given that you can actually cook something containing tomatoes to feed to this talking tomato. But that’s only the beginning! Your new friend will appear to be quite demanding and hungry. He will ask you to feed him again and again, and you’ll have to give him only specific food. How long will you put up with it until you decide that you’ve had enough? Are you ready to face the dark side of Mr Tomato then? Let’s see!


Try to keep Mr Tomato fed!


At the beginning of the game, you will find yourself in a kitchen that is full of various products, utensils and equipment you can use to cook dishes for Mr Tomato. It’s up to you how to combine and process the food, but you need to be ready that your character might not like what you’ve prepared and will demand something else, in an ever more furious voice. Basically, if you keep making food according to his tastes, you won’t have any trouble. The game will end, and Mr Tomato will thank you for helping him. However, in most cases you will see his real face when his appearance becomes increasingly demonic and he starts attacking you.


What if he doesn’t like your meals?


For situations like that, it’s handy to have a knife or a few bottles of poison that you can use against the hot-tempered hero. Neither dying nor killing Mr Tomato will help you finish the game, but it will be a fun and gripping twist to the general gameplay consisting mainly of buying products for coins you earned on the previous level, doing something with them at the kitchen and feeding Mr Tomato. Despite its seeming simplicity, the game is very addicting and you won’t want to leave it until you pass all the levels and handle Mr Tomato with all his whims and aggressive feats!


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