Mr. Tomato Online

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Look at this fat red-faced guy. He resembles you something, doesn’t he? Most of all, he looks like a giant tomato and hence his name. He is both the main hero and the antagonist of Mr Tomato online, a game where the only thing you have to do is to keep feeding this strange character. Do you think you will cope with this task? Let’s see, cause not everything is so simple here!

The food must be right!

At first, Mr Tomato will look rather friendly and peaceful. He will ask you to feed him, and if you give him the right food, everything is going to be all right. You’ll see the character content and happy, and he will kindly ask you to come once again when he’s hungry. However, Mr Tomato is rather picky, and the longer you play the harder you will find it to please him in terms of flavors and culinary. Actually, he will start getting increasingly angry if you fail to fit his taste. So prepare for some unexpected transformations of an innocent floating tomato into a real demon!

Not only Mr Tomato himself will be changing as he is growing more and more impatient and aggressive – you will also find yourself in an altered version of the kitchen that will now look eerie and grim. There are several alternative endings at this point. If you get Mr Tomato too angry, he will ask you to feed him one of your own body parts and then he will kill you. That can be avoided if you care to buy a knife that is available in the store and costs 500 points. Stabbing Mr Tomato will lead to his own death, and he will even congratulate you on doing it before dying. However, you should take a look at his anger scale first. If it already reached 10, using a knife is not an option.

Will you make it through the final battle?

However, if you think that giving Mr Tomato the right food one time after another will keep you safe until you reach the end of the game, you’re wrong. The red-faced villain will try to kill you anyway – at the very last level, you will have to fight him for your soul. In this boss-like fight, you will be armed with bottles of poison that you can use to kill him. If you succeed, you will see him explode into an oozy red mass! See if you can deal with Mr Tomato playing the game online!


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