Mr Tomatos 2

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If you would try to describe Mr. Tomatos, the best way to do it is to say that he is a rather creepy tomato head with a never-ending appetite. He’s always hungry, but he has some weird food preferences. You’ll need to scour your kitchen for the perfect ingredients if you want to keep him happy and avoid his wrath!

When a kitchen turns into hell

Mr. Tomatos is ready to eat all day long. The more you feed him, the more points you earn. Those points will come in handy when you have to stock up your fridge and improve your kitchen utensils.
But here’s the horror part – if you don’t give him what he wants, his anger meter starts to rise.
And when that thing gets too high, it’s like a switch flips in his tomato head and all hell breaks loose. So if you’re up for a creepy and challenging game, give Mr. Tomatos a try. And note – you’ve been warned about his anger issues!


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